Now a days Trading has become one of the second business for everybody who has monthly income.
Those who have money can Trade but most of those who trade doesn't know what exactly trade is all about.

Just in curiousity they start trading, however at the end of the day they will be a losser.
This blog is a place where the bigners can learn what is trading, how can they trade without loss.
The best part of trading is not making profit rather they should know how to avoid loss.

Demat account

In India, a demat account, the abbreviation for dematerialised account, is a type of banking account which dematerializes paper-based physical stock shares. The dematerialised account is used to avoid holding physical shares: the shares are bought and sold through a stock broker.
This account is popular in India. PHISICALLY ONLY 500 SHARES CAN BE TRADED AS PROVISION GIVEN BY SEBI . As of April 2006, it became mandatory that any person holding a demat account should possess a Permanent Account Number (PAN),
1.Fill demat request form (DRF) (obtained from a depository participant or DP with whom your depository account is opened).
2.Deface the share certificate(s) you want to dematerialise by writing across Surrendered for dematerialisation.
3.Submit the DRF & share certificate(s) to DP. DP would forward them to the issuer / their R&T Agent .
4.After dematerialisation, your depository account with your DP, would be credited with the dematerialised securities.
The Benefits
- A safe and convenient way to hold securities;
- Immediate transfer of securities;
- No stamp duty on transfer of securities;
- Elimination of risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fake securities, delays, thefts etc.;
- Reduction in paperwork involved in transfer of securities;
- Reduction in transaction cost;
- No odd lot problem, even one share can be sold;
- Nomination facility;
- Change in address recorded with DP gets registered with all companies in which investor holds securities electronically eliminating the need to correspond with each of them separately;
- Transmission of securities is done by DP eliminating correspondence with companies;
- Automatic credit into demat account of shares, arising out of bonus/split/consolidation/merger etc.
- Holding investments in equity and debt instruments in a single account.
Required Documents
The extent of documentation required to open a demat account may vary according to your relationship with the institution. If you plan to open a demat account with a bank, a savings, current and, or other account for which the holder has been issued a check book, such holder has an edge over the non-account holder. In fact, banks usually offer additional incentives to customers who open a demat account with them. Along with the application form, your photographs (with co-applicants) and proof of identity/residence/date of birth have to be submitted. The DPs also ask for a DP-client agreement to be executed on non-judicial stamp paper. Here is a broad list:
- A cancelled check, preferably MICR
- Proof of Identification
- Proof of Address
- Proof of PAN card (mandatory)
- Recent photographs, one and/or more
For proof of identification and, or address self-attested facsimile copies of PAN card, Voter’s ID, Passport, Ration card, Driver’s license, Photo credit card, Employee ID card, Bank attestation, latest IT returns and, or latest Electricity/Landline phone bill are sufficient. While they only ask for photocopies of the documents, they will need the originals for verification.

1 comment:

  1. For more information related stock market please visit this site:
