Scrip Code | Unique code assigned to a stock of a company by BSE. |
Scrip Name | Name of the company |
Scrip ID | Short name generally used by the active traders |
Chart ICON | Click thru on the ICON, shows intra-day Price/Volume graph |
LTP | The last traded price of the stock |
Prev. Close | The closing price of the stock for the previous trading day. |
Change - Net / % | The difference between today's last trade and the previous close price. The figure here is depicted as absolute change and % change. |
Wtd Avg. Price | Sum of value of trades divided by the volume at a given point of time |
52 Week High/Low | The highest price for a stock during the past year. The lowest price for a stock during the past year. |
Open / High / Low | Opening price for the day; first trade of the day The intra-day high trading price. The intra-day low trading price |
LTQ / TTQ | Last Traded quantity reported at the Last traded price. Total volume in each stock reported to BSE between the trading hours. |
2 WK Avg. Qty | Average of the cumulative trading volume during the last 14 days divided by number of days the stock was traded during this 14 days. It is updated end of day. |
Week Ago - Close / Net Change / % | Price of a stock seven days ago, changes calculated in points and percentage terms.If week ago happens to be a non-trading day, no data will be displayed. |
Bid Qty / Rate | The quantity and price an investor is willing to pay for a given stock at that point of time |
Ask Rate / Qty | The price at which someone who owns a stock offers to sell it with corresponding quantity offered |
Circuit Limits | The upper and lower price limits set by the Exchange from time to time as a price containment measure beyond which trading will not be allowed till the prices are normal or limits reset.This is not applicable for stocks that are part of Derivatives segment. |
Month Ago - Close / Net Change / % | Price of a stock thirty days ago, changes calculated in points and percentage terms.If month ago happens to be a non-trading day, no data will be displayed. |
Group | Scrip part of which group. |
VaR+ELM % / Delivery % | Addition of the VaR Margin payable and Extreme Loss Margin Payable, in percentage terms .Data updated end of day for applicable rates for next trading day. Percentage of Delivery as compared to volume traded.Data updated end of day. |
Industry | The main business of the Company |
Index | Stock part of index. Index is a barometer of market movement. |
ND Date -Start/End | Date during which no delivery is required to be given.The last known data is displayed. |
Ex-Date | The date on or after which trading in stock begins without entitlement (cash or stock) included in the contract price |
Scrip Suspended | Stock under suspension. In case the stock is suspended from trading, the information will be displayed at the bottom of the table. |
Now a days Trading has become one of the second business for everybody who has monthly income.
Those who have money can Trade but most of those who trade doesn't know what exactly trade is all about.
Just in curiousity they start trading, however at the end of the day they will be a losser.
This blog is a place where the bigners can learn what is trading, how can they trade without loss.
The best part of trading is not making profit rather they should know how to avoid loss.
Glossary for Stock
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